Saturday, February 27, 2010

Catchy but Trashy

Few days ago, I was at home listening to the radio and I coud not avoid noticing all the trashy songs. Miley Cyrus, Lady GaGa, Ke$ha, Justin Bieber, Jonas Brothers, among others. Though they are catchy, they are still trashy. Lyrics about partying so hard that girls do not know where they are, or that they brush their teeth with Jack plus a kind of techno/pop music does not result well. I know that not all their songs are about having fun at parties, drinking alcohol or having sex. I know that, for example Miley Cyrus has songs about being the best you can be and stuff like that, but COME ON, teenagers prefer to listen to songs about partying hard.
Whenever we ask ourselves, why youth is so messed up, we must remember what these "singers" teach us. Whenever we ask ourselves, why girls get pregnant when they are just 16 years old, let's remember Rihanna's "Rude Boy". Whenever we ask ourselves about violence against women and why they are still treated like things, let's remember Alejandro Fernandez, "Unas Nalgadas", which caused a great controversy by the way, and all the girls in bikini dancing in music videos.
Most of the songs we listen today are bombs; they actually tell us what to do, how to behave, how to live...But that's media, there is not much we can do, we can't really run away. The only thing we can do is to promote better songs (and TALENTED singers), to be more exigent with what we listen, to know what we are actually listening to and to not listen to singers who are always drunk, in jail or taking pictures of themselves naked because they are role models for the little ones and the only thing we get when we buy their discs or go to their concerts is to increase their fame and when this happens the youngest ones always want to imit them and be exactly like the most famous pop singer or rockstar.Moreover they stop thinking by themselves. But, is it right for a 12-year-old girl to take pictures of herself with a wet shirt? Is it right for a 14-year-old boy to smoke? Of course it is not right at ANY AGE. But that is what we promote with 3 minutes of "music".

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