Sunday, February 21, 2010

Scarcity: Good or Bad?

Can scarcity be an opportunity of changing and being better?
As we all know, scarcity is a huge global problem that affects people in many forms. But talking about another point of scarcity we can see it as a good thing.

Logiclly, scarcity is bad because it is something that affects and damages people and its world. But if we take another point of view may be it can be not that bad. I will explain this with an example.

Currently, Hermosillo is living scarcity. Why? Because there is no water to support the population and the bussinesses. Due to this we have a bad situation in all matters, so we can say that Scarcity is bad for us. Now, if we analyze the situation we can notice that because of the problem many people is starting to talk, and the government to give ideas and programs in order to solve the problem. The thing here is that this problem is giving us an opportunity to change, to improve our city and our society. Yes, scarcity is bad and harmful; but eventhough it damages, it can also helps us; because with the problem the government can look for the best solutions for its city and its people, and more important it can make that people start to care about things, about resources, about water.

Scarcity is really bad, but may be it is necessary in order to make people change and take care about the problems and about all things. As a friend wrote in the blog, if we could have all perfectly, the world will never change or improve. Because there's no reason to. But with scarcity and with problems, it is prooved that people changes and starts making things in order to improve and have the less possible problems. This means that a problem give us many bad things, but they open many windows of opportunities. Opportunities that if we take them and make them, the world will improve and the problem will be over or decreased.

We have to change the way of looking problems. I know they are bad, scarcity is. But we need to think that problems have a reason of being; which is to help and to change or improve the world. Without problems we couldn't have solutions, which are essential in human life. Because thanks to many solutions in history, we are what we are. We looked for solutions in a problem, that plus solving the problem, they also make us change and improve.

So Scarcity is good or bad? Or better yet, how can we convert it to a good and positive thing? If we solve the problem with the best solutions and actions, we are making Scarcity a good thing.

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