Monday, February 22, 2010

Water Problem in Hermosillo

We know that Hermosillo has a big problem with the scarcity of water. First of all, it is a scarcity problem, which at the same time can be related to the topic we saw today, SUPPLY AND DEMAND!

I won't talk about prices (inflation) depending on demand and supply. Instead, I prefer to talk about resources, material things. In our case, the supply is water which is demanded by us. Of course in Hermosillo, this methods and theories are affected by several different factors, that affect and can change the behaving of numbers. (desert, dry climate, poor raining...)

The real problem is that each new year Hermosillo is increasing its level of population, that in result, needs more supplies in order to survive and live well. This raise plus many others growth such as bussinesses, houses, farms, etc... demand more resources, in this particular case, water. So if the demand increase the supply needs to increase, but in our case, its decreasing due to many reasons.

In my personal opinion the most important reason of why Hermosillo has not enough water is the crazy raise of population which leds into an increase of demand. I know it is good for a city to become bigger in all ways, but I also think that it was not studied before, and prevented.

Obviously, this problem may be it can be less in parts were it rains more; eventhough, in some other deserts they have enough water, even that some of them are the double of Hillo. Politics, economists, and scientists they may be prevented the increase of demand, but they didn't prevent the decrease of supply, or they didn't take actions in order to solve and equilibrate the situation.

The results are that today we have lack of water, and that government wants to quit water from other parts of the state, which instead of helping will be in a pair of years , letting into a biggest problem of scarcity, because the Supply not only of Hillo will be less, also now from the South will decrease, so may be they can support Hermosillo for a few years, but later they will see that the demand will be increasing soooo more water (supply) is needed. Just that at that moment, the supply from the state will be less (because you already quit them, and they also have their own demand). I can go and write more about this problem, but the important thing in here, is that Hermosillo demand is increasing too fast,(good for economy and development) but the supplies are not increasing. These is what the State needs to solve, how to control and equilibrate the Supply (water) and Demand (people popu's increase) graph of Sonora.

I think it is an easy problem of Supply and demand, which is related to scarcity and also to politics. The solution, we all know it, is INCREASE the supply. How? Not taking out water from other part of the state, instead, we need to AGGREGATE water to our bodies of water. Taking out water from another part of the state is the same, we are finishing our state supplies. I don't know what is the solution (may be bring water from a part that water ends to the ocean andthat is desperdiciada., or can be making a desalinator; it doesn't matter it is expensive, it is needed and more useful) Both of these, can be an example of aggregating water, and not taking from other part and decreasing the state's supply.

All people have to look very well to the behavior of Supply and Demand of Sonora, and look what is the best solution, which will not affect the Supplies of others. They have to take a decision that equilibrates the situation. That decision has to be taken with studies and the correct plans and programs, not with friend/bussinessmen interests decisions. We have to look more for what will be better for ALL people, and that will increase our demand, in order to support the amount of demand.!

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