Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another Earthquake, now in Chile!

Disaster in Chile + New government entrance...

This morning the world wake up with terrible news, an earthquake in Chile. This was a sism of 8.8 degrees, the 6th worst in the history of humanity. There are aprroximately 122 deaths, and many damages.

It seems that the story of Haiti is repeating, in many senses, it is the same. Luckly, in this eartquake there are less deaths and damaged people, but this doesn't mean it was nothing. It is a terrible disaster and huge damage to the country in all manners.
The different and new thing is that, currently, Chile ellected his new president-who will take possession on MArch 11, I think. So many questions appear... Will Chile Government will be as the Haiti one, not capable to raise up? Will the inminent change of government and powers, led authorities and Chile to raise up and care with this tragedy? In these next days, we will see how both governments, the currrent and the new one, work; and if they are capable of managing this disaster and situation. Also the political and economical life of Chile, will be prooved. If they can work together for the good of the country, then they will be having a good political situation. Plus, they have to look and manage the economical situation of the country.

I hope that the citizens and the governments, join efforts in order to beat this tragedy! I also hope that the politicians really join and see for the good of people, without mattering any political or economic differences.

We should help them!

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