Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another natural disaster; now Chile's turn

There has been around a month since the tragedy in Haiti that let hundreds of thousands of people without even a place to live. Now I noticed from an uncle that another big earthquake hit Chile, a 8.8 in the Ritcher's scale.

It is known that Chile is located in a seismic area, is a matter a fact, the biggest earthquake ever registered was in this same country in 1960 with a scale of 9.5 degrees!

It's obvious that the South American country is more prepared that Haiti economically and politically. Also, in this case we can say that the Chileans were "luckier" because the main hit was 300 kilometers from Santiago, the country's capital. In the case of the Haitians, their capital, Port Principe was almost completely destroyed.

But the important fact here is how most of people is handling this situation. All the world was shocked after watching Haiti's images, now, more than other time, aid from other countries and from the politicians will sure make the best to solve the hospitals saturation problems, among others.

Is definitely not the same to have a natural disaster like this one a month after one of the worst catastrophes in history.

We as humans cannot make anything to the mother nature, only be prepared when it is needed. We contributed to help Haiti, we definitely have to do the same to our brothers from Chile.

Maybe the biggest musical event in Latin America, Viña del Mar, was cancelled because of the earthquake, actually, I was watching this event yesterday, without a doubt, it's a shame that such event has to be canceled but there are more important things to worry about now.

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