Monday, February 1, 2010

"Cultural "Melting-Pot""

I have been thinking a lot about the different approaches of the governments to different cultures coexisting in a same area. In this thinking I came to a personal conclusion: The melting pot is a far superior approach.
 Why do I think this? Mainly because it unites the people, instead of dividing it, making cooperation easier. Most urban conflicts have their origins in cultural differences, like religion (Jewish/Muslim), cultural leaders (Hitler/Luther), hygiene habits, political inclinations (socialism/capitalism), etc. In a melting pot those difference are gone, therefore, many disagreements will be avoided.
 For example, lets say the Jerusalem's government wants to make a public monument to a Jewish saint. It would be understandable, since the Jerusalem's majority is Jewish, and is in the state of Israel, the Jewish country, but it happens to be a Muslim mosque in front of the potential build place. Muslims will most probably make riots and fight the Jewish government. In an effective melting pot the whole problem would have been avoided. Those Muslims would probably had embraced the local customs and would feel honored to have the saint in front of their buildings.
Maybe I am wrong and melting pots don't work that way, if so, please correct me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your views! I like the picture too......