Friday, February 5, 2010


Globalization: nowadays, the world is a huge shopping mall.

Since very remote times, civilizations started with commerce and the exchange of products. In the Middle Ages, Europeans started a market characterized by long-distance trips that sometimes ended up in tragedy because of the pirates that were in the middle of the way, waiting anxiously to keep the treasures that were transported.

Today we have a totally new way of commercial interaction. We have means of delivery that nobody would have imagined 50 years ago. We have means of paying the products that nobody imagined even 30 years ago. So why is this all happening?

In the present post, I'd like to analyze the factors that have taken us to this point in history (that I'm sure will continue its evolution), and the consequences or the impact that it has in us as human beings.
So why do I refer to the world as a shopping mall? Well I think it's an easy analogy to do. But I think that the world is now even more simple than a shopping mall because nowadays we don't even have to walk 3 hours in order to get what we want, we can just click several times on a website and the package will be delivered at home in a certain lapse of time. Cool, huh?

While in my analysis, first of all, I believe that the factors that have lead to the world's globalization are: the development of technology, the improvement of transportation means, the new facilities we have in credits, transferring money from virtual accounts, the new means of marketing, the massive media that reaches every single point of the planet, and the government's policy of capitalism.

However, I actually think this ought to have it's negative approaches. Nothing in this world can be so good to be true. For instance, a lot of people who are ignorant in the uses of technology have lost their jobs in banks or in renamed companies because the knowledge they had has now become obsolete, and they have been replaced by younger people with better training. I know this is sort of natural but we have enough with the crisis cutting out jobs for this to be happening too.

However, it has more possitive approaches than negative, and I think this topic may lead to discuss other interesting global issues, because this shopping mall is also based in the principle of supply and demand, scarcity of resources, etc. So now, with this view of our world as a huge market, I think there's nothing that can stop us from being connected to whichever country we want, and from succeeding in the environment of selling.

Of all the topics we'll cover in this course, I'm specially interested in Economics. I love how the distribution of goods moves our world, and how it stimulates everybody's lives, even in the minimum way. I love to see the planet now as a shopping mall, building in my mind an image that will keep me from feeling fear towards international commerce and market, because now I see that it will become easier with each day that passes.

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