Saturday, February 6, 2010

Unemployment in Hermosillo

As we have seen in class unemployment is an issue that derives from overpopulation. It has to do with the distribution of jobs and not having enough for all the people. This later on leads to immigration and so on. But right now we are focusing in how we can see unemployment in Mexico. I think we all are aware that this is a problem that has been talked about since a long time ago, but right now it is only getting worst.
With the change in the government in September many people have lost their jobs in government offices. There was more employees than needed, and those people were fired. Even here in Hermosillo, at the former "Hospital Materno Infantil", there were what they call temporal workers. These people have a contract for six months and they renewed it every time it finished with the last government. When it changed these people weren't payed for a month, but when they did, they fired them. I understand that they are trying to save money and maybe even think about efficiency, but some of them were known for being really good at what they did. Taking away their jobs from people just to do so is not a good reason, maybe saving money is, but there are more things than that to take into consideration. This actions aren't fair, they are not well thought, and it isn't the thing that would lead them to be better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Sonoran Government might want to consider a system similar to the British, where civil servants do not change depending on who is in power. Of course, there´ll always be a change of ministers and so on, but the core system of public servants would not change just because of a change in administration, thus providing imparciality and efficiency, as well as experience that can be drawn upon by whichever government happens to be in power.