Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Obama and his plan to create jobs

When President Obama called last month for a new tax break to spur job creation, critics blasted him for offering no specifics. On Friday, Obama filled in the details: He wants to give businesses a $5,000 tax credit for each net new employee they hire this year.

It sounds like a crazy idea at the first we hear about this, well, at least it sounded to me. Now that i think it a little more, it could be a solution for at least a big part of the U.S citizens that are without job.

Earlier Friday morning, a government report showed that the U.S. economy grew at the fastest pace in more than six years during the last quarter of 2009: GDP rose at a 5.7% annual rate. But even as the economy is rebounding, unemployment hangs in the double digits.

I think that is a good time in Mexico to do the same thing. In our country, instead of innovate new ideas just like this one, people in "hacienda" just keep raising taxes and makes harder to live to the middle-class people. I will really like to suggest our president to do this action, if it does not work, stop it. But we will never know if the government do not at least try it.

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