Saturday, February 6, 2010

Global Problem: Global Warming

Global warming might be the most complicated issue on the world today. I will start by defining the term Global Warming' is ''the warming that happens when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat. These gases let in light but keep heat from escaping.'' ( The consecuences that follow the earth's atmosphere to overheat are the melting of glacieres, which causes the seas to oververflow, species like the polar bear, which is already an endangered specie due from man's hunting, to die because this animals depend so much on iced seas to hunt for food. We are causing so much danger for polar bears and millions of other species who depend on cold, icey climates to survive, and we are destroying their environment. How are we contributing to global warming? Everyday. When we use our car exessively, we need to know we are not the only ones who use a car in the world, just imagening how many people drive for hours and how many carbon dioxide is being liberated is unbelievable. We can make a difference, by just changeing daily attitudes and activities that due to the cause of global warming. Some of this changes might be tuning off lights when not needed, people should open windows insted, being lighted by daylight instead. We could ride a bike when we don't need to go too far, people are exerciseing themselves and at the same time helping decrease global warming. Simple everyday tasks like the ones mention will make a difference, be concious of your doing everytime you turn on a light, or a car, and ask yourself, how can I fulfill this actions but at the same time help our environment? Spread the word and make the action.

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