Saturday, February 6, 2010

Global Problem: Ground Pollution

Every time we get rid of our everyday food and it's packaging, plastic bags, boxes, hardware, just our everyday garbage, leads to ground pollution. When we think of how many garbage we get rid of everyday, it's not comparable to the garbage that industries get rid of. But, where do all that garbage go? Also, when we are so unconcious of ground pollution, we throw garbage to streets, water, etc., this is not only contaminating, we are also endangering many species that live in those environments. Some garbage like cans and bottles might be recycled, but what happens to the rest of it? There are certain processes that this non-recycled garbage go through, but it ends up filling the groud. Why should we throw garbage to streets, geenlands, water etc.? Sometimes people don't really realize what happens when they throw garbage where it's not supposed to. Animals, I believe, are most likely to be affected to this issue, since animals are the ones who have to live on a certain environment they are used to, and if we contaminate it, this specie will face a huge change on its surrounding. We are challenging this species in their own environment, why would we want that? The simple action of putting garbage in its place could make a difference. Another action that could make a difference is separating organic and inorganic garbage. Organic garbage such as food and inorganic garbage such as plastic packaging. Separating paper form garbage is also really helpfull, since this is something that can be recycled (cans and plastic might be good to separate too, since this may also be recycled). Help the environment, make an effort in making the world a better place for everyone.

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