Monday, February 1, 2010

Stop being selfish

Today was published in “El Imparcial” that a mother from Haiti reported that a group of American men took his child, as well as other children, to take care of them for a while. But they didn’t give him back. She made an accusation, and when they got the men, they answered that the children didn’t had any legal papers of their parents, and they were going to take them to an orphanage.

When I read this article I asked myself, where they really taking the children to an orphanage, or where they just taking advantage of the situation? I consider this really cruel, but due to how society in working many things crossed through my mind. In Haiti many people is just looking for help, and I think that they are not expecting for someone to make them suffer more. In the present, many people just want the best for them, and they don’t care for others; I think that every person that does this, he or she doesn’t has a high standard of morals (they don’t care of others). And to solve this and stop being selfish, we must think for a while and analyze that we are sharing one planet, we don’t have to fight for being better (yes you have to have goals and try to reach them but not in a bad way just for power or money), we must cooperate in all the things we do, and maybe with this all of us can improve our life.
We must stop being selfish in every activity we do, and help others.

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