Friday, February 5, 2010


In the activity in which you gave us to choose 5 options there was one, the one I choose, about Culture. I agreed with all except for the part in which it said that in actual times, culture does not evolve.
I highly disagree with that concept because all of the cultures change or in other words evolves. Our culture is not the same of 100 years ago so the culture does change, not completely but it does.

And at first I agreed with the comment but when I gave it a deeper though I realized that. It is also interesting how does the concept of culture changes, going from a form of agricultur information to a more complex concept that include many aspects of life.

It was interesting also the part that said about the social classes, in some way is true, you have to have money in order to learn somethings but also the statement is false because you are learning culture since you are born because you see your parents and often imitate what they are doing. I think that in a future the concept of culture will change because it has changed through time, so who knows what the concept will include or delete in some years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure where it was stated in class that culture doesn't would be good to clarify that.

I enjoyed reading your post! Thank you.