Saturday, February 6, 2010

Global Problem: Deforestation

Everyday we get rid of paper, specially us students who use notebooks, impressions, etc. so often and when we don't need them anymore or the teachers finnished checking them, we throw them away to the trashcan. We are not considering that all that paper that we are wasteing once was a tree, cutted down by humans, and the excessive cut-down of trees to the point it affects our environment is calles deforestation. Deforestation destroy the environment, such as millions of homes constructed by animals. Now a days deforestation has increased its level so much, and many of this workers don't plant new trees, not considering that trees provide oxygen for our longs. Greenlands are disappearing because of deforestation, we need to learn to use and produce paper in a moderate way. We should be able to recycle paper to its maximum, like for example in schools, recycling paper should be obligatory. Teachers should ask students to use recycled sheets on their works, this way students will be able to contribute with this cause in a repetitive way. We do need to cut trees, but whenever a tree is cutted down, a new tree should be planted, this way there will be future expectatives for a tree to arise in that specific area. Taking care of the paper we use everyday might be a significant task for us, but why can't we fulfill it? Also, having a trash can separately for paper algo helps peope that work on garbage identify and recycle paper and it not to be mixed among the other trash that is wasted, creating even more trash everyday. Save a tree by saving paper, recycle old notebooks, give out books to others who really need them. And finally, each one of us should plant one tree for all of those that have been cutted down.

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