Thursday, February 4, 2010

Looking For Water

Had the future already reached us? This is a question I always ask when I forget that at 11 p.m. I don't have water anymore at home at that hour. The cistern of my house isn't woriking so well, so I have to watch out the clock and be sure to finish all the things I have to do with water before 11 p.m. reaches me. That's when I started really appreciating this valuable resource. Do we always have to loss something in order to appreciate it? I think the answer is yes, especially vital resources that have a lot of uses. I really miss the times when I always count on water to be there for me whenever I want. Sadly, the mistreatment of it and the location of this city doesn't help the situation. It's really uncomfrtable to really go this extent. I think that the previous authorities didn't really think of this issue, and now it's very easy to them to apply this measurements so everyone can have access to it. Can the lack of rains in this little city be related to the whole global warming issue out there? Maybe it is. This can only be the beginning of the climate change chaos, if we continue on the same path. And, I can recall, we depend hugely in this resource. But, can we do something to help the situation or do we have to wait for the government to do something? I think that at least we can treat better this type of vital resources. Just use the quantity that is needed. There are some tips we can all follow. For example, water the plants and grass at night avoids the water from being evaporated so quickly, especially with the intense heat we get in the summer. Another problem I found is that if we only get from 6-14 hours of water a day, should we pay less for it? I think that no. I always have thought that electricity costs are very high compared to the cheap facture we receive of the water. I think we should pay it backwards. Water is clearly more important than electricity. First of all, we can live without it! Electricity has also its importance, but let's wait some time in order to see our priorities with the effects this will cause. Also, the city of Hermosillo is growing very quickly. How can we assure this resource if the city is expanding each day? Not only the goverment should do something, even though they "promised" water; but we, as part of this community, beware of the use we give to the water. We souldn't play with nature. I hope we don't finish buying bottled water to take a bath, watch dishes, water plants, personal hygiene, etc.

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