Friday, February 5, 2010


In 2007, world military expenditures totalled some $1.34 trillion. The need for a culture of peace and for significant arms reduction worldwide has never been greater. This applies to all classes of weapons.
On the danger of nuclear weapons, Albert Einstein reportedly said: “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
But the human and material cost of conventional weapons is also extreme. Of at least 640 million licensed firearms worldwide, roughly two thirds are in the hands of civil society. The legal trade in small arms and weapons exceeds $4 billion a year. The illicit trade is estimated at $1 billion. And such conventional weapons as landmines take an toll on life and limb that continues for years after the conflicts that spawned them are finished.

I believe that disarming every country that has too many weapons is essential to reach world peace. Even if conflict between humans is an essential part to human life I believe that disarming will make this conflicts much less fatal to a lot of people. The simple possesion of weapons by a country makes that country much more prone tu using those weapons. If a country lacks weapons it is much less likely that it will buy weapons to fight. I hope that disarmament becomes a reallity and helps save many innocent lives.

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