Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why should homosexual marriage be legal

In the last month, there was a very controvertial topic on the media: Should they legalise gay marriage?Añadir imagen
In my opinion the answer is Yes. Why? Because they are people, just like you and me who love each other, just as any other heterosexual couple. We are supposed to live in a tolerant world that accepts you just as you are. Being homosexual is not wrong, it is not a disease and people should not be ashamed of being. However, currently there are a lot of people saying it is wrong. Why? According to these reluctant to change people, homosexual lifestyle is not healthy and it is just as dangerous as smoking or drinking because 'all' of them are infected by sexual transmitted diseases. This is not true. Both homosexual and homosexual are likely to get infected if they do not use a condom or have only one sexual partner. Being homosexual does not mean being promiscous, they love their couple as much as a man loves a woman and vice versa.

Other reason, which I found very implausible by the way, is that God does not love them and He does not bless these unions. But God is a loving fatoher who loves all his sons, ALL OF THEM no matter what and I think He wants their sons to be happy with to one they love by their side. Actually, Associations of Pshychiatry and Psychology have stated that a homosexual couple is just as stable and committed as a heterosexual couple, and that homosexuality IS NOT A MENTAL DISORDER. These last statement is very important since many people today think it is, but it is just a preference.

Gay marriage should be legalised because they have the right to receive the same benefits, rights, obligations and that a heterosexual married couple receives, such as social, psychological, health and educational. Also, legalising same-sex couples marriage will end up with the social unacceptability and people will become more tolerant and start to accept them in society. Also, hate crimes and violence against lesbian and gay will decrease.

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