Saturday, April 3, 2010

Looking for New Prospectings

I read a while ago about a news report talking about how Obama had authorized new explorations looking for petroleum. I choose this topic because petroleum had given a lot to talk lately, especially in our class. It was even included in the article of the exam, which has a link to this news. According to the article, Obama is now pushing the line to get out of the stagnation by looking for new resources in different parts of the world, such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, and Alaska. I found this great since the quantity of petroleum had decreased in the recent years, so the price had increased. If we found more petroleum in our areas, Mexico will have a more stabilized economy because it will extend the years of U.S.A buying petroleum to Mexico. The sad part about this is that the business with petroleum could be better, since we sell them the barrels and they give us back the finished product more expensive. Almost everything is made out of this resource. We are now so dependent of petroleum that we are desperate looking for more of it, and the country who finds it will instantly become more powerful because every country needs it and it will guarantee its survival in the next years.

I also consider dangerous taking petroleum out of Alaska since it is in a delicate status right now. I'm saying this because nowadays that part of the planet is the one that is receiving most of the sun rays, by of course, the problem of the greenhouse effect. If they try to look for petroleum over there, they are going to alter the nature of the glaciers by doing the big holes and bringing huge machines. I hope the U.S. has this in mind, so that their search of petroleum doesn't affect too much. We are already having a huge impact in the world.

Speaking of resources to produce energy and other things, nonrenewable resources like the petroleum shouldn't be in our list anymore. We have to start looking for new forms of energy that are efficient and doesn't affect our planet. It says on the article that Obama wants the U.S.A to depend on the fuels produced in their own country, including renewable forms of energy. This is time to introduce concepts like solar energy, wind energy, among others to our daily life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can understnd from your post then that what is said and what is done are not always the same two things......