Thursday, April 1, 2010

First Scarced Then a Surplus

This news report caught my attention because almost a year ago we experienced it here in Mexico causing panic like if it was a virus too, and now everyone seemed pretty normal about it. They even are dumping H1N1 vaccines because they had expired. The quantity of vaccines that are going to be discarded is surprising: 71 million! A year ago, everyone wanted to have the shot but now, there is a big surplus of vaccines. This is just so strange that they continue producing the vaccines, even though the "breakout" of the mutated virus had gone away. I remember that the information of this event was managed in a very suspicious way. If I was a pharmacist, I would take advantage of this opportunity and try to sell the more quantity of vaccines I can. Fear is one of the things that can easily be spread throughout a region. The bad use of information helped and now with technologies like the Tv, internet, etc. is easily to get "informed" of what is happening around. It was a big hit to some stores since everyone was inside of their houses "safe" from the pandemic virus. I think that the situation should be handled in a more appropriate way the next time something like this happens. There are still some mysteries surrounding this situation, which I doubt will be clearer in the future. This shows that the government in our country still holds a lot of power in controlling the information, like the Google problem in China, but not so strong.
With the experience that I lived at school, when our teacher entered and just said that we have go home and just get on the bus (one of my best days), there was total chaos everywhere. This makes me think how a small mutated virus that started spreading throughout the country can make the whole world shake.
According to the article, there are still producing more vaccines while millions are being dumped. How can this happen? If they weren't used, it means that they are just wasting money or maybe they had a treaty with pharmaceutical companies which of course obtain all the benefit. The U.S. had invested $1.6 billion in the vaccine program. A friend who lives currently on the U.S told me that it was obligatory to take the shot, which included long lines and a lot of time invested.
I think that this issue is good for us to reflect on whether the people are being protected or just another unnecessary spending from the U.S.

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