Monday, March 29, 2010

Abuse vs. Wanting ??

Have you ever noticed the difference between abusing power and wanting power in the government? This is a very pollemic question that many people wonder.
According to the oxford dictionary, "want" is the action of desiring something and "abuse" is an action considered unjust, corrupt or wrongful practice or custom.

The most important action that the abuse of power takes people to do is an unlawful act, which done in an official capacity, affecting the performance of official duties.

Well, I think that people cannot have everything they want, so they must look for the most affordable alternatives to get it, and one of this alternatives may be corruption. Therefore, I think that the wanting of power and the abuse of power would consequently go together.

When a political leader wants/desires to have all the power, he would probably do actions that are considered illegal to get to it. I would call to these actions abuse because I think they are the same as the actions that an opportunist would do.

However, there could be some few cases in which a person who want the power would not surely practice abuse to get to it. There are some honest people who really want to help the country, so they really want to have the power. The actions that these people would do are for example promising things that are possible to carry out, or make things in order to catch the perspective of the citizens.

On the other hand, I have to accept that most of our politicians have get to power through abuse and corruption, which for me are synonyms. Most of our leaders have get to power by promising us a lowering of taxes, enough water with a low price, no more crimes or corruption, a well education for all, respect of each of the rights established in the constitution, and lots of other promises that they NEVER BECOME TRUE.

Aren't you tired of hearing and hearing and never seeing? Aren't you tired of the strong adiction of some people of wanting an abusing to get to power? Aren't you tired of the big difference of social classes? Aren't you tired of seeing that all the politicians and their relatives can do and have wahtever they want?

I think these is enough. We should open our eyes and call for action. We need to have a change in our government.

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