Friday, April 2, 2010


Recently, I have been wondering why leaders of labor unions are so hypocrite; why they snivel and claim for better working conditions and then go to parties with people from the high society and bosses of the companies who abuse of workers, why they think they represent the whole syndicate with thousands of workers who are truly poor, but they live in large houses and eat caviar. Why?

One example of these 'glorious leaders' is Elba Esther Gordillo, one of the most powerful Mexican politicians. Yes, that woman that can provoke nightmares just with her face. She is the leader of SNTE (Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación). Since she is the leader, many of her relatives work there and she demands about 120 million of dollars to support the syndicate. It is said that she uses this money dishonestly for her own benefit, and it is reported that she owns a house in San Diego, worth $5 millions of dollars. She is also very involved with Mexican politics. First, she belonged to PRI, but they turned her out: time ago, there was a controversy involving both her and Roberto Madrazo. Long story, but the thing is that now she supports PAN and even helped Felipe Calderón to win the federal elections, and because of this, she is linked to corruption since she used teachers and the syndicate to arrange the elections. What a teacher!

Other example is Joaquín Gamboa Pascoe, leader of CTM (Confederación de Trabajadores Mexicanos). And here is a lovely quote from him, '¿Qué, porque los trabajadores están jod... yo también debo estarlo?' Aw, that is so cute. This man is much known for being stupidly rich and collecting luxury cars. And, this fact is very interesting: He never was a worker, he only was a consultant, and then became leader. Since he is the leader, the amount of available money has decreased, which is very weird since he asks for moneys to other syndicates affiliated to the CTM. Moreover, he is a very conservative and traditional person, who basically has sort of frozen the syndicate with his attitude. Even the workers have said they do not feel represented by him, because of his glamour. Nice!

And last, but no least: Napoleón Gómez Urrutia, leader of Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Mineros, Metalúrgicos y Similares de la República Mexicana. You must know him. Yeah, he is the guy who did not pay Cananea miners the money from Grupo México. He owes them $55 Million of dollars: The reason of Cananea problems. This man, as well as Gamboa Pascoe, never was a miner, and for just being leader of the miners, he is very rich. When Cananea mine was sold, Grupo México's intention was to pay the miners, but Gómez Urrutia never paid them. As he did not find any excuse and the police was chasing him, he moved to Canada, and now is neighbor of Pamela Anderson. The most representative of his leadership is the amount of strikes: 200 in 8 years. Because of this man, Cananea economy is totally collapsed. Bravo!

I do not mean that labor leaders must be poor; they must be humble and thoughtful. There are thousands of teachers, workers and miners who live in unfair conditions and these leaders are doing nothing, but stealing. This must change. They are supposed to be the representatives of the workers, and they are just becoming dishonest leaders and politicians.

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