Monday, March 29, 2010

Busy Children

I was doing some more research on China because that’s the country I am doing the Final Project on. Then, I decided to look about children in China since it is a very controversial topic in this country. I found an article about Chinese children that states they spend too much hours in school and have no free time to play unlike normal children around the world. The article said that children may even go to school more hours than their parents go to work. Parents try to keep children busy at all times so they can focus on their careers and time for themselves. This is a very interesting phenomenon because it is directly related to culture. Parents are so worried about making their children competitive and prepared for being the best they forget children are supposed to have time to play and discover the world around them. Chinese children grow up with a lot of pressure from their parents who are always pushing them to be better. Being pushed by your parents is good as long as it does not affect self perception and your quality of life. It is good to be competitive and it is good to be educated but your overall well being is unquestionably first.

If most children grow up stress, which is happening, they can cause a major change in China’s future. The way I see it, people used to struggle and suffer because they could only have one child. Today, they may not even want to deal with this responsibility. A cultural change is definitely going on right now. This change in the way parenthood is seen can affect thousands of children who are growing up feeling unloved and without time to play. Growing up like this is not only unhealthy for the child. These children from today are going to be the political, economical and social leaders from China in a few decades. Adults should consider this when treating their children. They should raise them properly so they can contribute with China’s development in the future. If China is full with unhappy and traumatized people, its economy and social situation may suffer changes. We cannot be sure how much these changes with affect this country that has struggled so much to be one of the most powerful countries now a day. I am using the case of China because it is the country I am researching about but I am sure there are sadly other countries were children are being underappreciated.
We should focus on children today to have a better world tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Chinese definitely want to invest in education, but in the West we have different ideas, and it would be seen as culturally unacceptable to not have a chance to relax, play, be social and children!!