Monday, March 29, 2010

JOKES: Positive or Negative ??

Do you have a sense of humor? What do you think about giving jokes during class? How do you feel when someone jokes about you? Do you think it is humiliating to joke about someone?

Jokes during classes are very common. However, it depends a lot of the professor who is giving the class for a student to say a joke.

We students are supposed to listen to teachers during their class, but these classes are for around 80 to 90 minutes. Also, we coexist with our teachers almost daily; therefore, this coexistence gives us a lot of confidence between student-teacher. The long durance of classes together with the confidence in the relation student-teacher has takes both into jokes.

Either students or teacher, they both joke during classes. These jokes can have a different meaning: to mock, to exemplify, to turn the class from boring to entertaining, or many other reasons. However, both, students and teachers must consider their level of joking as well as the people with whom they are joking. There are some people (either young or a little bit older) who have no sense of humor; there are others who take those jokes personally onto their situation, and others who take those jokes humiliating.

For example, Maria is falling asleep during class, the teacher notices that and says: Maria, I think you were quite busy with your boyfriend yesterday night. Maria may either laugh and take the comment positively, or she may felt humiliated and offended.

These is why jokes are quite risky, and the people who used them must use them quite carefully.

However, I am not saying not to use jokes in classes. Sometimes they must be quite effective, as well as interesting. In other situations, they must make people to feel offended and humiliated, lowering their autoestime.

I invite students and teachers to use jokes, but jokes that may have no double sense, or jokes that may contribute to the class understanding, or jokes that may increase the confidence between teachers and students.

Use jokes, but use them carefully ;) !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very clear final message at the end. I like your analysis of the day-to-day synamics of class and interaction with your teachers. Thank you for your contribution.