Thursday, February 18, 2010


Who pays to the policy? How are the police-man cars bought? How are the schools and roads of our city constructed?
The answer to all of these is GOVERNMENT!!
The citizens are forced to pay taxes each period of time; some pay it monthly while others pay it anually. This money, which is administrated by the government, should be used for the wellness of our city. Taxes are an obligatory charge that people and companies are supposed to pay to supply the expenses of the country. The government should use that money for building schools, paying politics, implementing transportation, and providing citizens all kind of public services.

However, there is a big difference between the taxes that we pay to the government which are used to supply the public services that is not possible to identify who uses them, and the other kind of taxes are the ones that the owner of the product benefits (it is like a charge imposed in all of the products we buy).

I do not understand very well taxes in products, I just know that they benefit more the owner of the producing company, and that in a free market competition allows companies to stablish their own prices. However, I will only focus on the taxes we pay to the government. I asked to my dad "how long you need to pay taxes to the government?" and he told me "monthly and twice". I asked him "why twice daddy?", and he answered me back "because I need to pay taxes as a normal citizen, and as a businessman (owner of a company)".

At night, when I was in my bed, I remembered what my dad had told me, and started to think about it.

Are taxes fair enough? Are taxes well distributed? Are taxes the best way to get money to supply the city's needs? I don't think taxes are fair enough. Many people who are rich pay almost nothing of taxes while people with a lower social level pay much more. This unequal distribution is because of many reasons, such as corruption between politics, preference among social classes, and others.

We are supposed to have a democratic goverment; so, we have choice, as well as a valid opinion. People with leadership should talk in voice of the country, should ask for equality and fairness. But, if we all don't get together we would never do anything. If rich people continue taking advantages of the lower classes we would never grow as country, and we would stay the same: RICH PEOPLE BECOMING RICHER, AND POOR PEOPLE BECOMING POORER!

Talk, your voice has a value, take advantage of it. We all want better service in transportation, as well as policiers doing their job appropiately, and electricity to be distributed in all the city; however, if we do nothing, we would never succeed. That is why Mexico is not such a grat economical and political country. Our leaders haven't guide us in the proper way, they haven't organized society and our contries resources, and haven't distribute them appropiately.

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