Monday, February 15, 2010

TANDEO: A good or bad strategy

I woke-up today, and I went to the bathroom: I opened the faucet to wash my face, and BOOM NO WATER! I got frustated, and started to think: Why is water being rationed? Why is water scarce in our city while in Mazatlan they can even drink from the faucet's water? Why are WE, Mexicans, so unworried for our city's future, and for our generation's future?

The scarcity of water is a global issue; however, the proposed solutions have not had an impact in society. We need to make conscience in the citizens for them to care of our planet. To care and appropiately use the few water that we have.

The causes of water scarcity are both: caused by nature, and caused by human being. I understand that we are not able to control nature, but we do are able to care of our activities, which would affect either positively or negatively our planet.

Water contamination and misuse of water are just some of the causes of our new TANDEO.

The river that supplies water to Hermosillo is the Sonora river, as well as our reservoir located at the south of the city (this is not a very good option because most of the time our reservoir is totally EMPTY: we can even see animals eating of the grass that has grown in it). Obviously, these water supplies are not being enough. Moreover, the high temperatures and low precipitation that exist in our zone, makes this problem even worst, to the point that even building a desalinization plant is being considered. However, a desalinization plant is a too-costly well structured plan that is being analized with the purpose of finding a new way to get the salt off of the water in a cheaper way.

Meanwhile, the government (instituion in charge of the water company: COAPAES) has taken the desicion of water rationing: A process in which the citizens have water in their houses for a certain period of time depending on the part of the place where they live. This new system has changed our lives totally because humans need water to survive, so we use it almost in every activity.

If you ask to any person who lives in the city of Hermosillo what do they think about the TANDEO, most of them would quickly answer that the are against it. Howver, if they would think a little bit more about the reasons of the tandeo I hope most of them would answer that it is a good strategy to concientize the citizens for the to value what they have while they have it.

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