Saturday, March 27, 2010

Do we need war?

We now that power is the main reason of war. Some people always want to be over the rest; they want power and control. Politicians are a very good example of leaders because they want to lead and control other people. Most of the wars are caused by disagreements in the governments. When leaders have disagreements the first thing that it gets to their minds is war, weapons and all that stuff to destroy the other country. Do they really need to do that just to get power or money?

War just causes damages and dead, why they consider war like a solution? There are so many solutions to problems and disagreements war is not necessary. There are so many laws for murder and why this people in war don’t are punished if they kill other people o why there is not a law that prohibit war?

Politicians should think in their people, because war not only damage the other country also their own country.

Communication is the solution to problems, and there are so many media they should use them but not the media of war.

I don’t that there could be a good reason for war. Normal people don’t want war on the contrary the only thing that we want is peace! People want a good place were they can live, family, food, water but no war.

If we want a peaceful world where all people can get along, there should be no war. There are other solutions, we definitely don’t need war. War is only damage.

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