Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to "Introduction to Society, Economics and Politics 2010!"

Welcome to all students following the Introduction to Society, Economics and Politics course from January-May 2010. This blog will be one of the online mediums through which we will communicate this semester, but the primary purpose of it is to keep a record of events that we can all follow as the semester progresses. There will be ups, there will be downs, but that is also all part of the fun! The other purpose is to act as a central place to post ideas, comments and reflections on the topics we look at. In the process you will learn how to blog too.......and remember that the blog will form part of your partial grades!

As I write you are slowly adding yourselves to the blog. The next step is that I will specify exactly what I want in terms of blog posts. Then, until the end of the partial (I will specify the date) you will be expected to write FIVE posts to receive your 20% grade towards the partial. Thus, each post represents 4%.

So, please await the guidelines on WHAT I want in terms of posts, and start thinking about TOPICS you could write about. (Based on classes so far, and personal interests too, if connected with the subject.)

Meanwhile, the most important thing to be done is to take a look around the blog, in terms of HOW to post, its settings etc. Please make sure your profiles are complete (with full names, and photos if you'd like.....) and that you know all about what ETIQUETTAS (tags) are. This is important when you post, as I'll explain later. So, time to browse the blogger help files, and come to me for more information if you're confused.

We'll start blogging this week, so get ready!




Maria Fernanda Madrid Diaz said...
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Maria Fernanda Madrid Diaz said...
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Krista Valenzuela Mendez said...

What have we gotten ourselves into? How did we fall into crisis so rapidly? Well as you already know the economic crisis started when many banks loaned money for houses to people who eventually could afford paying back the money they were led. So what happened next? Millions of people lost their jobs and houses. This has turned into a global issue because this has involved many banks from all over the globe. Do we have a solution? What can we do about? Well in recommendation of many professionals, they give us 4 options: give liquidy to banks, give capital to bank, stave off nationalization, and stop contagion.
Well, I believe the fault is on everyone. Of course the banks are the first to be guilty, for giving too much money and houses to people what could pay back. But then when you think about it, the fault goes to all those “not so smart” people that ask to borrow money that they can’t pay back, when you ask for something you should be sure that you will return it, it’s part of being an ethical person. So with this everyone approaches to the government, which obviously doesn’t have all the answers. So what do we end up with? A global issue. The governments are doing their best in finding solution for the crisis. But the damage is already made. Many investigators are trying to find the people guilty behind this chaos, but it’s truly useless, the damage is already made and there is no way back.